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Maximize Your Workouts with the PROUD Weightlifting Platform


Take your weightlifting to the next level with the PROUD weightlifting platform. This platform is designed to help you maximize your workouts, whether you’re lifting in a home gym or a commercial gym.

Made with durable materials, the PROUD weightlifting platform provides a safe and stable surface for all of your weightlifting exercises. The platform absorbs shock and reduces the risk of injury, allowing you to lift with confidence and improved form.

Whether you’re a seasoned weightlifter or just starting out, the PROUD weightlifting platform is an essential tool for maximizing your workouts. With its improved stability and reduced risk of injury, you’ll be able to lift heavier weights and achieve your fitness goals faster.

Invest in the PROUD weightlifting platform and take your weightlifting to the next level.

  • Length: 2 m.
  • Width: 2.5 m.
  • Thickness: 30 mm.

The whole platform consists of:

Black cubes with dimensions 50 cm x 50 cm: 8 pcs.